Wednesday, July 13, 2011

Helping your client discover their blocks, transforms them!

Kerry came in to see me and was feeling very frustrated with her life. She wants so much to be married, to have children, and to enjoy other aspects of life that she has not yet been able to create for herself. She felt that even though she was taking actions, nothing was changing for her. As we talked Kerry realized she hasn't created these opportunities because she holds blocks which are preventing her from receiving her ideal end result. She realized that for her marriage equaled a loss of freedom, or no freedom. Although she does desire to be married, she was also blocking it in order to preserve her sense of freedom.

We are all like Kerry at times and want something for our lives, yet block it for reasons we may not be conscious of. Here are 4 steps you can take your client through in order to help them discover these blocks, understand why they exist, and remove them, enabling the client to then create what they desire.

1. Get Clear: Begin by finding out if your client is clear on the end result they are seeking. Clarity = Power. If we do not have a clear idea of what we want then we do not allow ourselves the power to create it. Help your clients get very clear on what it is they wish to create for themselves. Use the Meditate on the Go Journal to assist your clients on getting really clear.

2. Discover the Blocks: Once they can see their ideal end result as a reality, you begin asking questions.
-What negative aspects would come from achieving that ideal end result?
-Why hasn’t it worked out for you?
-What comes up as you think about this ideal?
-This could be yours but . . . (let them fill in the blank)
*Kerry could see her ideal partner, but realized that in her mind marriage equaled loss of freedom.

3. Create A Win List: As your client becomes aware of why it is that they are blocking their dream, you can use a win list as a cognitive tool in order to help them remove the obstacles and begin creating. Go to all the areas of their life and help them see how what they want can bring positive results, especially in the areas they are holding the blocks. Have them write these wins down and post them where they can be easily and regularly seen.
*For Kerry we talked about the ways marriage brings freedom to life. i.e. having a best friend to talk to all the time, getting to go on dates regularly, the financial support from two incomes, etc.

4. Add imagination: Coach your client on how to daydream in order to re-create their ideal end result. Using all their senses, help them to feel the reality of what they want, see what it looks like, hear the sounds surrounding it, smell and taste the different aspects of it. They can then recall this visualization while doing dishes, jogging, showering, or any other task that leaves their mind free to dream. A great way to use Meditate on the Go!
*As Kerry was describing her ideal to me I saw her pregnant and relaxed on a beautiful beach with her partner holding her. I helped her engage all of her senses to make the visualization very real for her.

Your client is now empowered to create what they desire! We all have the ability to create what we want in life, but many times it takes help to understand what is blocking us from achieving our dreams. To learn more about this process and additional tools to use with your clients sign up for the Intuitive Life Coach Training. See the schedule below.

At the end of our session I had Kerry pull four angel cards to tap into her spiritual team support. The cards were so powerful and right on track with what she had processed, that I copied them for her to take and post on her win board. The cards were in this order: Day Dream, Marriage, Change in Direction and Perfect Timing. Tears filled her eyes in disbelief as she read each one. Here is a copy of them.

The next day I received this email from Kerry:

Hi Sandra,

Thank-you so much for such an AMAZING session yesterday--I am still in AWE over those angel cards! And they are on my desk, in my journal and on my vision board! (I made more copies of them when I got home!). I also released a lot more 'negative' energies this morning via the Emotion Code and I listed all the FREEDOMS I will enjoy when I am MARRIED! WOW! A lot more than I realized! Next step is to copy them and put them on my vision board too! Also daydreaming more...which compelled me to find this picture attached that is now on my vision board thanks to YOUR 'vision!'

Thank-you for yesterday--I needed the reminder and "tune-up!"

Love you tons!

Kerry (the pregnant one on the beach with my HUBBY behind me experiencing FREEDOM in MARRIAGE!!!!)